What makes the Perfect Curved Hem T-shirt For Men?
Traditional T-shirts are a popular choice when discussing casual wear for both men and women, but the rapid advancements in fashion have created a wide range of t-shirts that have a curved hems. A rounded hem T-shirt is a popular option in recent times, forcing clothing companies to offer different variants and styles within this growing fashion category. What is a Curved Hem T-shirt? The name of a curved shirt's hem is derived from the bottom hemline being rounded. The standard hemline t-shirt design is a straight cut, and streetwear style styles typically favor the curving edge. What is it that makes a Hem T-Shirt different from a regular T-shirt? The major difference the curved T-shirt and regular T-shirts is at the bottom. The curved hem T-shirt comes with the hemline is rounded, while the normal T-shirt has straight hemlines. T-shirts with rounded hems have been favorably favored by the latest style trends, and they have taken the apparel industry to the fore